Homegrown Terrorism and the Small N Problem

I just finished the new RAND report on homegrown terrorism in the United States, entitled "Would-Be Warriors: Incidents of Jihadist Terrorist Radicalization in the United States Since September 11, 2001," and it is a fascinating analysis of the paths to radicalization by American citizens over the past near-decade. This paper is clearly extremely timely given the seemingly sudden rise in domestic radicalization toward jihadism. As the report notes, "the 13 cases in 2009 did indicate a marked increase in radicalization leading to criminal activity, up from an average of about four cases a year from 2002 to 2008." Given this fact, and the more recent Faisal Shahzad case, and the overall increase in attacks against the U.S., the salience of homegrown terrorism is as high as ever.

Previously, I have written skeptically about the notion that domestic terrorism is—in fact—on the rise. This apparent trend may be better described as a regression toward to mean level of this activity over a longer time period. To the author's credit, Brian Michael Jenkins, he assuages any alarmist notions of a sudden and abnormal rise in domestic terrorism by reviewing the extensive history of domestic terrorism incidents that occurred in the United States during the 1960's and 70's.

After reading the RAND report I was not necessarily dissuaded rom my position that the current spike is nothing more than a mean regression; however, I was convinced by this report that the stakes have changed considerably since the previous decades and thus this subject deserves considerable attention going forward. What the RAND report suffers from, and many other reports on domestic terrorism, is a small N problem, and in order to more accurately study this phenomenon efforts must be made to overcome these issues.

To be clear, having a small number of observations with respect to domestic terrorism and radicalization is a "good" problem. National security benefits from the fact that these are rare events, and we are thankful that this is the case. That said, because the RAND analysis consists of only 46 observations over an 8 year period any conclusions must be tempered by this fact. For example, when describing who the terrorist are the author states (emphasis mine):

Information on national origin or ethnicity is available for 109 of the identified homegrown terrorists. The Arab and South Asian immigrant communities are statistically overrepresented in this small sample, but the number of recruits is still tiny. There are more than 3 million Muslims in the United States, and few more than 100 have joined jihad—about one out of every 30,000—suggesting an American Muslim population that remains hostile to jihadist ideology and its exhortations to violence.

We know, however, that this final assertion is not true; specifically, with regard to the numbers. The numbers, at best, only support the claim that domestic radicalization is very rarely observed. It does not suggest anything about the internal disposition of American Muslims. While this may actually be the case, simply by not observing a phenomenon cannot support this claim. The cliché, "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence," is particularly applicable to small N problems. If we are actually interested in understanding the sentiment of American Muslims then traditional survey work would be quite applicable.

Clearly, the primary problem is that because these are rare events we simply do not have enough data to build good statistical models. As such, whenever endeavoring to study this subject al attempt to retain as much applicable data should be made. In the case of the RAND report this was not done, as the data were thinned to include only those cases that resulted in indictments in the U.S. or abroad. While this is a minimal limitations, the underlying assumptions is that paths and intents for radicalization is somehow different for those who are indicted versus those that are not. This seems dubious at best, and therefore a better approach would be to include all possible observations, and then using a more theoretically unbiased method for data cleansing (such as a coarsened exact matching) to isolate those observations of interest. This seems to follow a troubling trend in terrorism studies of selection on the dependent variable.

PolNet 2010 and the Cult of ERGM

Duke Psychology BuildingI returned to NYC on Friday from the Political Networks conference, but have only now had a chance to reflect. Charli Carpenter, of the always excellent Duck of Minerva, has already made many great points about what large conference could learn from niche conferences through her experience at PolNets (who's that guy imbibing in that photo, anyway?). I agree with much of what Charli points out about, and overall thoroughly enjoyed the conference. I think a combination of low-visibility of these methods within the discipline as a whole with high-energy among those actually interested in networks resulted in a very top-heavy set of presentations.

A clear advantage to a conference like PolNets is that rather having a specific substantive focus at its core—like so many smaller conferences—here the focus was on a methodological technology. With that, there is less need during presentations for people to "sell" their method, because everyone in attendance has essentially signaled acceptances by being there. Therefore, more of the discussions are centered on the substantive implications of applying network theory to some research agenda, or specific methodological quibbles. This is all well and good, and add to this the fact that a small number of attendees means graduate students and young scholars have a lot of opportunity to discuss their work with more established academics.

While I have studied networks for several years, this was actually my first conference on the subject. I do, however, try to stay rather current on the literature and as such came to the conference with the expectation that the breadth of topics covered would be wide both in terms of application of network methods and political science topics. Perhaps due to my own naivety, or willful ignorance, I was disappointed to find that this was not the case.

On the former point, from what I observed at PolNets it seems that the social science networks community is rapidly forming as a cult of the exponential random graph model (ERGM) framework. In some ways this makes perfect sense. ERGM are—for lack of a better term—statistical models that describe network and allow for some degree of inference to be drawn about these structures. This can be extremely useful for social scientists, as it describes networks in familiar statistical terms. What was surprising was the wholesale, and often unquestioning, commitment to these models for all types of analysis with the social sciences. In fact one of the creators of ERGM went so far as to call it the lingua franca of all network models. To be clear, mathematically ERGM can produce all possible networks; however, in practice this is akin to saying that all the works of Shakespeare could be reproduced in Morse code. While technically possible, it would be a fool's errand. The ERGM framework has significant computational limitations, which was reinforced by the admission of several presenters needing weeks to complete model estimations on very moderately sized networks.

While there were a few notable exceptions (best exemplified by the presenters on the Innovations in Network Measurement panel), I would have liked to see more research not just extending the ERGM framework, but also stepping outside of it to build models to describe the massively complex networks that have become commonplace in disciplines outside of the social sciences. My fear is that networks in the social sciences will become a "one trick pony," and a pony that itself is incredibly hampered by current technology.

With respect to the breadth of application in political science I was impressed by the diversity of topics covered by the panels. I was disappointed, however, by the actual representation of political scientists at the conference. While I am fully aware that the study of networks is highly interdisciplinary, and that political science as a discipline is a very late adopter of this technology, it would have been encouraging to see more APSA card caring political scientists among the attendees. For example, on the second day of the conference a "panel of experts" convened to field questions from anyone who cared to pose one. The problem: there was not a political scientist among the experts, making it hard to ask pointed questions about networks in political science.

As I said, though, overall the conference was excellent, and I extend my thanks and congratulations to Mike Ward of Duke University for putting on such a great event. Next stop: Sunbelt 2010!

Thoughts on Measuring Social Influence

Over the past few weeks I have had several conversations with people interested in understanding how to understand the dynamics of influence in online discourse. Clearly, there is a social network aspect to this, as in these platforms provide the medium for these exchanges to take place and in most cases users are only subject to information existing on their network (the notable exception being Twitter, though most users still only pull information from those they are following). The primary question is: how does online social activity manifest itself in offline behavior? For example, to what extent to do social networking platforms influence voting behavior; or, how do reviews of recently released movies posted to Twitter affect an individual's likelihood to see it in the theater; or, are online discourses a meaningful path to violent radicalization?

From an analytical perspective, the difficulty is that there are no reliable ways of measuring the process by which this influence occurs. Intuitively, we know that influence is happening online, but this process is largely hidden within the context of online exchanges. As we often represent online social interactions as networks, and because much of the relevant data will have a network form, it may be useful to begin by framing this problem in terms of a graph.

In these terms, there are at least two ways one might approach this problem. First, to measure influence we might attempt to identify influential individuals, and subsequently measure their activity. An important assumption here is that people are influenced in some relatively uniform way as a function of receiving information from those they "trust". Over time, and assuming a constant rate of influence, as individuals self-organize to these influencers we could infer individual level of influence. A second approach is to attempt to measure signals related to the digestion of information. That is, rather than assume influence comes from key actors do the reverse, assume influence comes from pivotal pieces of information. In this case, these signals might come in the form of first-, second-order, etc., transmission of these key bits of information from their source, or the infusion of a some bit of information into a network from multiple sources. As with the influential actors approach, by observing these signals over time could approximate changes in preference and thus infer influence.

In the context of these competing approaches this problem becomes a philosophical one, and exemplifies the fundamental differences in node versus edge analyses in networks. By assuming individuals drive influence we are taking a node-centric approach, wherein actors have some valuation for information received online, and are therefore attracted to those individuals that maximize this utility. The edge-centric approach assumes that content is valued over source, and that the information contained on some edge is the primary engine to influence. It has always been my contention that too much time is spent focused on nodes in network analysis. In fact, the problem of measuring influence in online social networks is an excellent example of the value of edge-centric analysis.

As stated, this is essentially a measurement problem—we need a way to quantify information digestion, but lack an appropriate metric. Consider, a social network with some fixed number of nodes. By focusing on the characteristics of the nodes we are inherently limiting our analytical scope. While the most "central" actors may change over time, we can never achieve a meaningful measure of influence by simply examining the structural characteristics of these nodes. Influence can only occur as a function of edges; therefore, it they must be the primary unit of analysis in this endeavor. Perhaps this is why I have always been a big fan of the line graph transformation.

The value of edges in complex network visualization

Given the convergence of national security and data nerds that come to this blog, I am sure that by now most of you have read the article in yesterday's New York Times on how PowerPoint in the silent killer of military intelligence. The catalyst of this discussion appears to have been this now infamous slide on the Afghan Stability / COIN Dynamics produced by PA Consulting Group.


For most of you this is old news, as this slide has been circulating the Internet for several months. A such, this post is not about the slide, or the notion that slide decks are detrimental to the intelligence process more generally. Others have said their piece (most of whom having little to know knowledge of the intelligence process); therefore, I will only say that fundamentally intelligence is about distilling extremely complicated things into neat digestible pieces for leadership to evaluate and make decisions. If you think "bullet-point" level detail is bad for intelligence then your problem is with the demand side of the equation—not the supply. But I digress...

In reviewing the reignited interest in this slide I came across an old post by Andrew Gelman wherein he critiques only the visual aspects of the network chart. There was one line that stood out to me:

I understand the goals of showing the connections between the nodes, but as it is, the graph is dominated by the tangle of lines.

Indeed, which moved me to think about the value of drawing edges in complex network in writ large. In my experience, except for the sparsest of network data, edges adds very little information to the visualization. In fact, edges often detract from the analytical value of a network plot by creating a confusing weave of lines that are impossible to follow or understand. I propose that the value of drawing edges is actually an asymptotic function of the density of the network data in question. I even made a picture.


This is not to say that edge data should not be used in a visualization—in fact —quite the contrary. Edges are needed to calculate the placement of nodes in many of the most information visualization algorithms. For example, techniques such as Fruchterman-Reingold and Kamada-Kawai attempt to minimize the distance between nodes with related structure and prevent nodes from being drawn on top of one another. As such, the placement of nodes in two-dimensional space is meaningful (structurally similar nodes will be closer), but once the positions of the nodes have been calculated the value of the edges is used. Consider the recently generated visualization of the relationships among artists in the last.fm database.


The author (Tamas Nepusz, co-creator of igraph) has created something truly stunning, both in terms of aesthetics and information. Each nodes is colored by genre, and using a force-directed layout we can see that there are strong relationships among rock (red), pop (green) and hip-hop (blue). As we look toward the center, however, potentially interests aspects of the visualization are lost within the maelstrom of edges, to the point where it is nearly impossible to recognize what is happening. Now, consider the alternate "cloud" version of this network.


Personally, I do not like the blurring of nodes, and the loss of labels; however, by removing the edges and allowing the nodes to stand alone the relationships among various music genres and artist is much more apparent. For example, it is much easier to see small clusters at the center and periphery. Being able to see these makes an observer want to investigate those clusters further, and see what artists they represent. In addition, edges can present a deceptive illustration of the strength of ties between clusters. Note the magenta (reggae and ska) cluster in the lower-right of the network. With the edges, it appears that this cluster has strong ties to within the network (note the edges pulling it in two directions). Without the edges, however, we can see that this cluster is actually much more peripheral relative to the density of ties among the other genre clusters.

A while back I proposed the idea of using invisible edges to identify clusters of nodes in three-dimensions with the so-called "exploded network view," which is really simply an extension of the idea that edges have steeply diminishing value in network visualization. Going forward I will being drawing edges much more sparingly, and I highly recommend that analysts also consider the value of drawing edges when attempting to present network analysis visually.

Thouhts on First MPSA

I have been absent from the blog this week because I was attending the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) annual conference in Chicago. This was my first conference specifically within the discipline, which gave me a chance to see a very broad collection of my colleagues, learn about their work, and observe the idiosyncrasies of my particular field. After two days, nine panels (including my own) and two nights out, I have a few thoughts on the conference specifically and political scientists more generally.

  1. Narratives versus tests – I have spent a lot of time on this, and other blogs, talking about the divide within political science with respect to doing qualitative or quantitative research. One of the most striking themes that I came away from the conference with; however, was that this divide is really a sub-divide within a higher level split within the research community: narratives versus tests. In the former case, a large number of the paper discussions I listened to were interested in creating a rich narrative regarding some narrow substantive field. Whether it be political institutions in Ghana or terrorism is Latin America, many researchers' work sought to provide deep descriptions of these situations, often within the framework of their own personal experiences. On the other hand, the the latter set of researchers set forth to generate hypotheses within their area of research, and then develop a methods—either qualitative, quantitative, or both—for testing these hypotheses. Likewise, these hypotheses frequently came from personal experience, e.g., field research or country of origin. This difference of vision sets up a very interesting divergence of opinion, often resulting in passionate, though respectful, debates within panels.
  2. Political scientists are actually really nice – In this I was very pleasantly surprised. Leading up to the conference several faculty members had filled the collective grad student consciousness with horror stories of fiendish panel discussants and "hand grenade-like" questions being lobbed in from the audience. For me, and after talking with several colleagues, our experience was diametrically opposed. With respect to the discussants, I received outstanding and detailed comments from Andrew Healy of LMU on my research, and in fact all of the discussants I sat in on provided very constructive comments to their panelists. Outside the panels as well, interacting with each other in the hallways and hotels, everyone was very happy to share thoughts on research, a citation, or even an introduction to faculty from their universities. I do not know about other social science disciplines, but the political scientists are a great group to spend time with if you ever lucky enough to get them in such a large group (as one newly wedded couple found out at the conference hotel). Finally, it was great to meet in person many people that I had only interacted with online; particularly, Laura Seay, Eduardo Leoni and Kerim Can.
  3. On technology and data – Apparently, this was the first year MPSA provided LCD projectors for panelists, which meant in previous years over-head projectors were used during presentations. Though relived that the conference decided to leap forward into the early 1990's, this did not mean that everyone was prepared for this revolution. There is a fortune to be made in designing a truly idiot proof projector, perhaps Apple could create a one button projector as an accessory to the iPad? More broadly, however, I was a bit disappointed in the technological sophistication of some researchers interested in hi-tech sub-fields. For example, I heard a talk about analyzing the tweets of politicians as compared to their statements made through more traditional media outlets. An interesting question no doubt, but when asked how the Twitter data had been collected the author responded that she had copy-pasted the tweets by hand. The lack of familiarity with the medium of interest in this particular case was bordering on obscene, but in general it was clear that political scientists have a lot to learn in terms of collecting, storing and analyzing large data. That said, I saw lots of R being used, despite the fancy display booths setup by Stata and SPSS.
  4. The students coming out of U. of Michigan are impressive – Somewhat by chance, I sat in on several panels that included presenters and/or discussants from the University of Michigan, and I was very impressed. Across the board, these grad students had very well structured research, with tight methodological designs, and focused questions. Rather then talk about the students and their papers specifically, I would simply recommend the reader to peruse the listing of the grad students at Michigan, as they are doing some great work.

If you attended the conference, I am interested in your thoughts. Do your impression match mine, or was your experience completely different?